Quantum Cryptography BB84 simulation
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3 years ago
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import typing
import abc
import numpy as np
class Channel(abc.ABC):
def send_classical(self, data: str, is_bob: bool = True):
def send_bit(self, bit: bool, basis: bool):
def recv_classical(self, n: int, is_bob: bool = True) -> str:
def get_photon_results(self, basises: typing.Optional[typing.List[bool]]) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[bool, bool]]:
Returns tuple of clicks of 0 and 1 for each bit
class QChannelImpl(Channel):
# [[(value, basis)]]
bob_photons: typing.List[typing.List[typing.Tuple[bool, bool]]] = field(default_factory=list)
bob_classical_data_pool: str = ''
alice_classical_data_pool: str = ''
# probability for a photon to go to the wrong detector
p_opt: float = 0.05
# dark count
p_dc: float = 0.05
# the average number of emitted photons
mu: float = 1
# eta - the probability for a detector to react to a photon
detector_sensitivity: float = 0.8
transmittance: float = 0.8
3 years ago
def get_number_of_photos(self) -> int:
return round(np.random.poisson(self.mu))
def send_classical(self, data: str, is_bob: bool = True):
# print(f'{["Alice", "Bob"][is_bob]} is sending data: {data}')
if is_bob:
self.bob_classical_data_pool += data
self.alice_classical_data_pool += data
def send_bit(self, bit: bool, basis: bool):
n_photons = self.get_number_of_photos()
delta = [(bit, basis) for _i in range(n_photons)]
def recv_classical(self, n: int, is_bob: bool = True) -> str:
pool_name = ['alice_classical_data_pool', 'bob_classical_data_pool'][not is_bob]
if n == -1:
n = len(getattr(self, pool_name))
# print(f'{["Alice", "Bob"][is_bob]} is receiving {n} '
# f'characters of data. Length now: {len(getattr(self, pool_name))}')
while len(getattr(self, pool_name)) < n:
data = getattr(self, pool_name)[:n]
setattr(self, pool_name, getattr(self, pool_name)[n:])
# print(f'{["Alice", "Bob"][is_bob]} received {n} characters')
return data
def get_photon_results(self, basises: typing.Optional[typing.List[bool]]) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[bool, bool]]:
res = list()
for photons, basis in zip(self.bob_photons, basises):
clicks = [random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.p_dc, random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.p_dc]
for ph_bit, ph_basis in photons:
if random.uniform(0, 1) > self.transmittance:
3 years ago
if random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.detector_sensitivity: # We detected everything correctly
if ph_basis != basis:
if random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5:
clicks[1] = True
clicks[0] = True
if random.uniform(0, 1) > self.p_opt: # Photon doesn't flip
clicks[ph_bit] = True
clicks[not ph_bit] = False
res.append((clicks[0], clicks[1]))
self.bob_photons = list()
return res