from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass import pygame from config import WIDTH, CHAT_SELECTOR_WIDTH, MESSAGE_HEIGHT, font_medium, BLUE, DARK_BLUE, WHITE, DARKER_BLUE from utils import render_text @dataclass class Message: """ The message (for now, it consists only of text) Attributes: :param text (str): the message text :param is_from_me (bool): False if the message is not from the current user :param chat_width (int): the width of the active chat widget """ text: str is_from_me: bool chat_width: int = WIDTH - CHAT_SELECTOR_WIDTH - 10 height: int = MESSAGE_HEIGHT def render(self) -> pygame.Surface: """ Creates a surface with a rectangle and the message text written on it :return: the surface with rendered message """ surface = pygame.Surface((self.chat_width, self.height * 10)) surface.fill(DARKER_BLUE) bg_color = BLUE * self.is_from_me + DARK_BLUE * (not self.is_from_me) padding = 7 # Size of the scaled text surface blit_height: int = self.height - padding * 2 blit_width: int = self.chat_width // 2 x: int = 0 if not self.is_from_me else self.chat_width - blit_width - padding * 3.5 pygame.draw.rect(surface, bg_color, (x, 0, blit_width + padding * 2, self.height * 10)) text_surface: pygame.Surface = pygame.Surface((blit_width, blit_height * 10)) text_surface.fill(bg_color) text_height = render_text(text_surface, (0, 0), font_medium, self.text, WHITE) # text_surface = pygame.transform.chop(text_surface, (0, 0, blit_width, text_height)) surface.blit(text_surface, (x + padding, padding, blit_width, text_height)) new_surface = pygame.Surface((self.chat_width, text_height + 2 * padding)) new_surface.fill(bg_color) new_surface.blit(surface, (0, 0, new_surface.get_width(), new_surface.get_height())) return new_surface