IronForce is a decentralized network, Degeon is a messenger built on it
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
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use alloc::string::String;
use crate::message::MessageBytes;
use crate::res::IFResult;
/// Some data that can be provided to the interface to send the message to a target.
/// For IP this might be `IP:port`.
/// Radio interface, for example, may not have the functionality of targeting, but that's fine
pub(crate) type TargetingData = String;
/// In an std environment we require that the interface can be send safely between threads
pub trait InterfaceRequirements {}
pub trait InterfaceRequirements = Send + Sync;
/// An interface that can be used to
pub trait Interface: InterfaceRequirements {
/// Run one main loop iteration.
/// On platforms that support concurrency, these functions will be run simultaneously for all interfaces.
/// Most likely, this function will accept messages and save them somewhere internally to give out later in `Interface.receive()`.
/// For systems that don't support concurrency, there can be only one interface in this function waits for a message (to avoid blocking).
/// That's why it's necessary to check if it is the case for this interface, and it's done using function `Interface::has_blocking_main()`
fn main_loop_iteration(&mut self) -> IFResult<()>;
/// Check if `main_loop_iteration` stops execution and waits for a message
fn has_blocking_main(&self) -> bool {
false // hopefully...
/// Get some way of identification for this interface
fn id(&self) -> &str;
/// Send a message. If no `interface_data` is provided, we should consider it to be a broadcast.
/// If, on the other hand, `interface_data` is not `None`, it should be used to send the message to the target.
fn send(&mut self, message: &[u8] /*MessageBytes*/, interface_data: Option<TargetingData>) -> IFResult<()>;
/// Receive a message through this interface. Returns a result with an option of (message bytes, target).
/// `None` means there is no message available at the time.
/// The implementations of this function shouldn't wait for new messages, but
fn receive(&mut self) -> IFResult<Option<(MessageBytes, TargetingData /*interface data*/)>>;