import { beginCell, contractAddress, toNano, TonClient, TonClient4, Address, WalletContractV4, internal, fromNano, Cell} from "ton"; import {Foundation} from "./output/jetton_Foundation"; import {client, staking_addr, wallet_data, workchain} from "./utils/config"; import { createDistribution, createAddressList, getTONBState } from './utils/interactions'; (async () => { //create client for testnet sandboxv4 API - alternative endpoint const client4 = new TonClient4({ endpoint: "" }) let {my_wallet, secretKey} = await wallet_data(); // Get deployment wallet balance let balance: bigint = await my_wallet.getBalance(); // Compute init data for deployment let init = await Foundation.init( createDistribution([my_wallet.address], [100n]), createAddressList([my_wallet.address]), contractAddress(workchain, await getTONBState(undefined, staking_addr))); let destination_address = contractAddress(workchain, init); let deployAmount = toNano('0.2'); // send a message on new address contract to deploy it let seqno: number = await my_wallet.getSeqno(); console.log('🛠️Preparing new outgoing massage from deployment wallet. Seqno = ', seqno); console.log('Current deployment wallet balance = ', fromNano(balance).toString(), '💎TON'); await my_wallet.sendTransfer({ seqno, secretKey, messages: [internal({ value: deployAmount, to: destination_address, init: { code : init.code, data : } })] }); console.log('======deployment message sent to ', destination_address, ' ======'); })();