import { Sha256 } from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js"; import { beginCell, Cell, Address } from "ton"; import { BitString, Dictionary } from "ton-core"; import Prando from "prando"; import { TrackedMessage } from "ton-emulator/dist/events/message"; import { TrackedBody } from "ton-emulator/dist/events/message"; import { types } from '../output/types.json'; const ONCHAIN_CONTENT_PREFIX = 0x00; const SNAKE_PREFIX = 0x00; const CELL_MAX_SIZE_BYTES = Math.floor((1023 - 8) / 8); function bufferToChunks(buff: Buffer, chunkSize: number) { let chunks: Buffer[] = []; while (buff.byteLength > 0) { chunks.push(buff.slice(0, chunkSize)); buff = buff.slice(chunkSize); } return chunks; } export function makeSnakeCell(data: Buffer) { let chunks = bufferToChunks(data, CELL_MAX_SIZE_BYTES); const b = chunks.reduceRight((curCell, chunk, index) => { if (index === 0) { curCell.storeInt(SNAKE_PREFIX, 8); } curCell.storeBuffer(chunk); if (index > 0) { const cell = curCell.endCell(); return beginCell().storeRef(cell); } else { return curCell; } }, beginCell()); return b.endCell(); } const sha256 = (str: string) => { const sha = new Sha256(); sha.update(str); return Buffer.from(sha.digestSync()); }; const toKey = (key: string) => { return BigInt(`0x${sha256(key).toString("hex")}`); }; export function buildOnchainMetadata(data: { name: string; description: string; image: string; }): Cell { let dict = Dictionary.empty( Dictionary.Keys.BigUint(256), Dictionary.Values.Cell() ); Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => { dict.set(toKey(key), makeSnakeCell(Buffer.from(value, "utf8"))); }); return beginCell() .storeInt(ONCHAIN_CONTENT_PREFIX, 8) .storeDict(dict) .endCell(); } export function TON(): number { return 1000000000; } export function randomAddress(seed: string, workchain?: number) { const random = new Prando(seed); const hash = Buffer.alloc(32); for (let i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { hash[i] = random.nextInt(0, 255); } return new Address(workchain ?? 0, hash); } export function fmtMessage(message: TrackedMessage, addressBook: any) { let from = (message as any).from; let to =; let value_bi: BigInt = (message as any).value; let value = 0; if (value_bi) { // convert to number value = Number(value_bi) / TON(); } let body_t: TrackedBody | undefined | null = (message as any).body; if (body_t === undefined) { body_t = null; } let body = ""; if (body_t?.type == 'cell') { // let c = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(body_t.cell, 'base64'))[0]; // body_t.cell is like x{} ... // we need to get everything up to } and after { let boc = body_t.cell.slice(2, body_t.cell.indexOf('}')).slice(0, 120); let c = new Cell({bits: new BitString(Buffer.from(boc, 'base64'), 0, boc.length * 8)}); // let c = new Cell({bits: BitString(boc)}); let op = c.beginParse().loadUint(32); let msg_type = 'unknown'; for (let t of types) { if (t.header == op) { msg_type =; break; } } body = msg_type; } if (body.length % 2 == 1) { body += ' '; } while (body.length < 30) { body = ' ' + body + ' '; } if (addressBook[from]) { from = addressBook[from]; // add spaces so that length is 11 while (from.length < 11) { from += ' '; } } else { // slice first 4 symbols, ..., and last 4 symbols from = from.slice(0, 4) + '...' + from.slice(-4); } if (to && addressBook[to]) { to = addressBook[to]; // add spaces so that length is 11 while (to?.length as number < 11) { to += ' '; } } else { // slice first 4 symbols, ..., and last 4 symbols to = to?.slice(0, 4) + '...' + to?.slice(-4); } return `${from} --> ${to} ${value.toFixed(2)} ${body}`; } export function fmtEvent(ev: any, addressBook: any) { if (ev.type == 'received') { return fmtMessage(ev.message, addressBook); } if (ev.type == 'sent-bounced') { return `Bounced ${fmtMessage(ev.message, addressBook)}`; } if (ev.type == 'sent') { let res = ''; for (let m of ev.messages) { res += fmtMessage(m, addressBook) + '\n'; } return res.trim(); } if (ev.type == 'failed') { return `Failed ${ev.errorCode}`; } return ''; } export function logEvents(events: any[], addressBook: any) { let addressBookRev = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(addressBook).map(([key, value]) => [value, key])); let res = ''; // write events and their indices for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { res += `#${i} ${fmtEvent(events[i], addressBookRev)}\n`; } console.log(res) }