import { Cell, Slice, StackItem, Address, Builder, InternalMessage, CommonMessageInfo, CellMessage, beginCell, serializeDict, TupleSlice4, readString, stringToCell } from 'ton'; import { ContractExecutor, createExecutorFromCode, ExecuteError } from 'ton-nodejs'; import BN from 'bn.js'; export type StateInit = { $$type: 'StateInit'; code: Cell; data: Cell; } export function packStateInit(src: StateInit): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.code); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(; return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackStateInit(src: StateInit, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.code }); __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: }); } export function packTupleStateInit(src: StateInit): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.code }); __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackStateInit(slice: TupleSlice4): StateInit { const code = slice.readCell(); const data = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'StateInit', code: code, data: data }; } export function unpackTupleStateInit(slice: TupleSlice4): StateInit { const code = slice.readCell(); const data = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'StateInit', code: code, data: data }; } export type Context = { $$type: 'Context'; bounced: boolean; sender: Address; value: BN; raw: Cell; } export function packContext(src: Context): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeBit(src.bounced); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.sender); b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.value, 257); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.raw); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackContext(src: Context, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.bounced ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.sender).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.value }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.raw }); } export function packTupleContext(src: Context): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.bounced ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.sender).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.value }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.raw }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackContext(slice: TupleSlice4): Context { const bounced = slice.readBoolean(); const sender = slice.readAddress(); const value = slice.readBigNumber(); const raw = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'Context', bounced: bounced, sender: sender, value: value, raw: raw }; } export function unpackTupleContext(slice: TupleSlice4): Context { const bounced = slice.readBoolean(); const sender = slice.readAddress(); const value = slice.readBigNumber(); const raw = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'Context', bounced: bounced, sender: sender, value: value, raw: raw }; } export type SendParameters = { $$type: 'SendParameters'; bounce: boolean; to: Address; value: BN; mode: BN; body: Cell | null; code: Cell | null; data: Cell | null; } export function packSendParameters(src: SendParameters): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeBit(src.bounce); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(; b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.value, 257); b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.mode, 257); if (src.body !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.body); } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } if (src.code !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.code); } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } if ( !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(; } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackSendParameters(src: SendParameters, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.bounce ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress( }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.value }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.mode }); if (src.body !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.body }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if (src.code !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.code }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if ( !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } } export function packTupleSendParameters(src: SendParameters): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.bounce ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress( }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.value }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.mode }); if (src.body !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.body }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if (src.code !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.code }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if ( !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } return __stack; } export function unpackStackSendParameters(slice: TupleSlice4): SendParameters { const bounce = slice.readBoolean(); const to = slice.readAddress(); const value = slice.readBigNumber(); const mode = slice.readBigNumber(); const body = slice.readCellOpt(); const code = slice.readCellOpt(); const data = slice.readCellOpt(); return { $$type: 'SendParameters', bounce: bounce, to: to, value: value, mode: mode, body: body, code: code, data: data }; } export function unpackTupleSendParameters(slice: TupleSlice4): SendParameters { const bounce = slice.readBoolean(); const to = slice.readAddress(); const value = slice.readBigNumber(); const mode = slice.readBigNumber(); const body = slice.readCellOpt(); const code = slice.readCellOpt(); const data = slice.readCellOpt(); return { $$type: 'SendParameters', bounce: bounce, to: to, value: value, mode: mode, body: body, code: code, data: data }; } export type ChangeOwner = { $$type: 'ChangeOwner'; newOwner: Address; } export function packChangeOwner(src: ChangeOwner): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(3067051791, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.newOwner); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackChangeOwner(src: ChangeOwner, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.newOwner).endCell() }); } export function packTupleChangeOwner(src: ChangeOwner): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.newOwner).endCell() }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackChangeOwner(slice: TupleSlice4): ChangeOwner { const newOwner = slice.readAddress(); return { $$type: 'ChangeOwner', newOwner: newOwner }; } export function unpackTupleChangeOwner(slice: TupleSlice4): ChangeOwner { const newOwner = slice.readAddress(); return { $$type: 'ChangeOwner', newOwner: newOwner }; } export type TokenTransfer = { $$type: 'TokenTransfer'; queryId: BN; amount: BN; destination: Address; responseDestination: Address | null; customPayload: Cell | null; forwardTonAmount: BN; forwardPayload: Cell; } export function packTokenTransfer(src: TokenTransfer): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(260734629, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.amount); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.destination); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.responseDestination); if (src.customPayload !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.customPayload); } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.forwardTonAmount); b_0 = b_0.storeCellCopy(src.forwardPayload); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenTransfer(src: TokenTransfer, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.destination).endCell() }); if (src.responseDestination !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseDestination).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if (src.customPayload !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.customPayload }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.forwardTonAmount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); } export function packTupleTokenTransfer(src: TokenTransfer): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.destination).endCell() }); if (src.responseDestination !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseDestination).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } if (src.customPayload !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.customPayload }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.forwardTonAmount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenTransfer(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenTransfer { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const destination = slice.readAddress(); const responseDestination = slice.readAddressOpt(); const customPayload = slice.readCellOpt(); const forwardTonAmount = slice.readBigNumber(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenTransfer', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, destination: destination, responseDestination: responseDestination, customPayload: customPayload, forwardTonAmount: forwardTonAmount, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export function unpackTupleTokenTransfer(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenTransfer { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const destination = slice.readAddress(); const responseDestination = slice.readAddressOpt(); const customPayload = slice.readCellOpt(); const forwardTonAmount = slice.readBigNumber(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenTransfer', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, destination: destination, responseDestination: responseDestination, customPayload: customPayload, forwardTonAmount: forwardTonAmount, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export type TokenTransferInternal = { $$type: 'TokenTransferInternal'; queryId: BN; amount: BN; from: Address; responseAddress: Address | null; forwardTonAmount: BN; forwardPayload: Cell; } export function packTokenTransferInternal(src: TokenTransferInternal): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(395134233, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.amount); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.from); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.responseAddress); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.forwardTonAmount); b_0 = b_0.storeCellCopy(src.forwardPayload); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenTransferInternal(src: TokenTransferInternal, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.from).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.forwardTonAmount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); } export function packTupleTokenTransferInternal(src: TokenTransferInternal): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.from).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.forwardTonAmount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenTransferInternal(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenTransferInternal { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const from = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); const forwardTonAmount = slice.readBigNumber(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenTransferInternal', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, from: from, responseAddress: responseAddress, forwardTonAmount: forwardTonAmount, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export function unpackTupleTokenTransferInternal(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenTransferInternal { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const from = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); const forwardTonAmount = slice.readBigNumber(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenTransferInternal', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, from: from, responseAddress: responseAddress, forwardTonAmount: forwardTonAmount, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export type TokenNotification = { $$type: 'TokenNotification'; queryId: BN; amount: BN; from: Address; forwardPayload: Cell; } export function packTokenNotification(src: TokenNotification): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(1935855772, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.amount); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.from); b_0 = b_0.storeCellCopy(src.forwardPayload); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenNotification(src: TokenNotification, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.from).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); } export function packTupleTokenNotification(src: TokenNotification): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.from).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: src.forwardPayload }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenNotification(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenNotification { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const from = slice.readAddress(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenNotification', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, from: from, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export function unpackTupleTokenNotification(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenNotification { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const from = slice.readAddress(); const forwardPayload = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'TokenNotification', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, from: from, forwardPayload: forwardPayload }; } export type TokenBurn = { $$type: 'TokenBurn'; queryId: BN; amount: BN; owner: Address; responseAddress: Address | null; } export function packTokenBurn(src: TokenBurn): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(1499400124, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.amount); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.owner); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.responseAddress); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenBurn(src: TokenBurn, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } } export function packTupleTokenBurn(src: TokenBurn): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenBurn(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenBurn { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenBurn', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, owner: owner, responseAddress: responseAddress }; } export function unpackTupleTokenBurn(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenBurn { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenBurn', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, owner: owner, responseAddress: responseAddress }; } export type TokenBurnNotification = { $$type: 'TokenBurnNotification'; queryId: BN; amount: BN; owner: Address; responseAddress: Address | null; } export function packTokenBurnNotification(src: TokenBurnNotification): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(2078119902, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); b_0 = b_0.storeCoins(src.amount); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.owner); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.responseAddress); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenBurnNotification(src: TokenBurnNotification, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } } export function packTupleTokenBurnNotification(src: TokenBurnNotification): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.responseAddress !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.responseAddress).endCell() }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenBurnNotification(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenBurnNotification { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenBurnNotification', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, owner: owner, responseAddress: responseAddress }; } export function unpackTupleTokenBurnNotification(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenBurnNotification { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const responseAddress = slice.readAddressOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenBurnNotification', queryId: queryId, amount: amount, owner: owner, responseAddress: responseAddress }; } export type TokenExcesses = { $$type: 'TokenExcesses'; queryId: BN; } export function packTokenExcesses(src: TokenExcesses): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(3576854235, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(src.queryId, 64); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenExcesses(src: TokenExcesses, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); } export function packTupleTokenExcesses(src: TokenExcesses): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.queryId }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenExcesses(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenExcesses { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); return { $$type: 'TokenExcesses', queryId: queryId }; } export function unpackTupleTokenExcesses(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenExcesses { const queryId = slice.readBigNumber(); return { $$type: 'TokenExcesses', queryId: queryId }; } export type TokenUpdateContent = { $$type: 'TokenUpdateContent'; content: Cell | null; } export function packTokenUpdateContent(src: TokenUpdateContent): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(1862840892, 32); if (src.content !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.content); } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackTokenUpdateContent(src: TokenUpdateContent, __stack: StackItem[]) { if (src.content !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.content }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } } export function packTupleTokenUpdateContent(src: TokenUpdateContent): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; if (src.content !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.content }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } return __stack; } export function unpackStackTokenUpdateContent(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenUpdateContent { const content = slice.readCellOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenUpdateContent', content: content }; } export function unpackTupleTokenUpdateContent(slice: TupleSlice4): TokenUpdateContent { const content = slice.readCellOpt(); return { $$type: 'TokenUpdateContent', content: content }; } export type JettonData = { $$type: 'JettonData'; totalSupply: BN; mintable: boolean; owner: Address; content: Cell | null; walletCode: Cell; } export function packJettonData(src: JettonData): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.totalSupply, 257); b_0 = b_0.storeBit(src.mintable); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.owner); if (src.content !== null) { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(true); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.content); } else { b_0 = b_0.storeBit(false); } b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.walletCode); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackJettonData(src: JettonData, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.totalSupply }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.mintable ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.content !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.content }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.walletCode }); } export function packTupleJettonData(src: JettonData): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.totalSupply }); __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.mintable ? new BN(-1) : new BN(0) }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); if (src.content !== null) { __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.content }); } else { __stack.push({ type: 'null' }); } __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.walletCode }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackJettonData(slice: TupleSlice4): JettonData { const totalSupply = slice.readBigNumber(); const mintable = slice.readBoolean(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const content = slice.readCellOpt(); const walletCode = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'JettonData', totalSupply: totalSupply, mintable: mintable, owner: owner, content: content, walletCode: walletCode }; } export function unpackTupleJettonData(slice: TupleSlice4): JettonData { const totalSupply = slice.readBigNumber(); const mintable = slice.readBoolean(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const content = slice.readCellOpt(); const walletCode = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'JettonData', totalSupply: totalSupply, mintable: mintable, owner: owner, content: content, walletCode: walletCode }; } export type JettonWalletData = { $$type: 'JettonWalletData'; balance: BN; owner: Address; master: Address; walletCode: Cell; } export function packJettonWalletData(src: JettonWalletData): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.balance, 257); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.owner); b_0 = b_0.storeAddress(src.master); b_0 = b_0.storeRef(src.walletCode); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackJettonWalletData(src: JettonWalletData, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.balance }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.master).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.walletCode }); } export function packTupleJettonWalletData(src: JettonWalletData): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.balance }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.owner).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(src.master).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: src.walletCode }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackJettonWalletData(slice: TupleSlice4): JettonWalletData { const balance = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const master = slice.readAddress(); const walletCode = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'JettonWalletData', balance: balance, owner: owner, master: master, walletCode: walletCode }; } export function unpackTupleJettonWalletData(slice: TupleSlice4): JettonWalletData { const balance = slice.readBigNumber(); const owner = slice.readAddress(); const master = slice.readAddress(); const walletCode = slice.readCell(); return { $$type: 'JettonWalletData', balance: balance, owner: owner, master: master, walletCode: walletCode }; } export type Mint = { $$type: 'Mint'; amount: BN; } export function packMint(src: Mint): Cell { let b_0 = new Builder(); b_0 = b_0.storeUint(2737462367, 32); b_0 = b_0.storeInt(src.amount, 257); return b_0.endCell(); } export function packStackMint(src: Mint, __stack: StackItem[]) { __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); } export function packTupleMint(src: Mint): StackItem[] { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'int', value: src.amount }); return __stack; } export function unpackStackMint(slice: TupleSlice4): Mint { const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); return { $$type: 'Mint', amount: amount }; } export function unpackTupleMint(slice: TupleSlice4): Mint { const amount = slice.readBigNumber(); return { $$type: 'Mint', amount: amount }; } export async function JettonDefaultWallet_init(master: Address, owner: Address) { const __code = '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'; const depends = new Map(); depends.set('55471', Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from('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', 'base64'))[0]); let systemCell = beginCell().storeDict(serializeDict(depends, 16, (src, v) => v.refs.push(src))).endCell(); let __stack: StackItem[] = []; __stack.push({ type: 'cell', cell: systemCell }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(master).endCell() }); __stack.push({ type: 'slice', cell: beginCell().storeAddress(owner).endCell() }); let codeCell = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(__code, 'base64'))[0]; let executor = await createExecutorFromCode({ code: codeCell, data: new Cell() }); let res = await executor.get('init_JettonDefaultWallet', __stack, { debug: true }); if (res.debugLogs.length > 0) { console.warn(res.debugLogs); } let data = res.stack.readCell(); return { code: codeCell, data }; } export const JettonDefaultWallet_errors: { [key: string]: string } = { '2': `Stack undeflow`, '3': `Stack overflow`, '4': `Integer overflow`, '5': `Integer out of expected range`, '6': `Invalid opcode`, '7': `Type check error`, '8': `Cell overflow`, '9': `Cell underflow`, '10': `Dictionary error`, '13': `Out of gas error`, '32': `Method ID not found`, '34': `Action is invalid or not supported`, '37': `Not enough TON`, '38': `Not enough extra-currencies`, '128': `Null reference exception`, '129': `Invalid serialization prefix`, '130': `Invalid incoming message`, '131': `Constraints error`, '132': `Access denied`, '133': `Contract stopped`, '134': `Invalid argument`, '4429': `Invalid sender`, '13650': `Invalid bounced message`, '16059': `Invalid value`, '62972': `Invalid balance`, } export class JettonDefaultWallet { readonly executor: ContractExecutor; constructor(executor: ContractExecutor) { this.executor = executor; } async send(args: { amount: BN, from?: Address, debug?: boolean }, message: TokenTransfer | TokenTransferInternal | TokenBurn) { let body: Cell | null = null; if (message && typeof message === 'object' && !(message instanceof Slice) && message.$$type === 'TokenTransfer') { body = packTokenTransfer(message); } if (message && typeof message === 'object' && !(message instanceof Slice) && message.$$type === 'TokenTransferInternal') { body = packTokenTransferInternal(message); } if (message && typeof message === 'object' && !(message instanceof Slice) && message.$$type === 'TokenBurn') { body = packTokenBurn(message); } if (body === null) { throw new Error('Invalid message type'); } try { let r = await this.executor.internal(new InternalMessage({ to: this.executor.address, from: args.from || this.executor.address, bounce: false, value: args.amount, body: new CommonMessageInfo({ body: new CellMessage(body!) }) }), { debug: args.debug }); if (r.debugLogs.length > 0) { console.warn(r.debugLogs); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ExecuteError) { if (e.debugLogs.length > 0) { console.warn(e.debugLogs); } if (JettonDefaultWallet_errors[e.exitCode.toString()]) { throw new Error(JettonDefaultWallet_errors[e.exitCode.toString()]); } } throw e; } } async getGetWalletData() { try { let __stack: StackItem[] = []; let result = await this.executor.get('get_wallet_data', __stack, { debug: true }); if (result.debugLogs.length > 0) { console.warn(result.debugLogs); } return unpackStackJettonWalletData(result.stack); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ExecuteError) { if (e.debugLogs.length > 0) { console.warn(e.debugLogs); } if (JettonDefaultWallet_errors[e.exitCode.toString()]) { throw new Error(JettonDefaultWallet_errors[e.exitCode.toString()]); } } throw e; } } }