# TACT jetton demo ![Jetton demo logo](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbPZjC1tuP6ickCCBtoTCQ9gc3RpkbKx7C1LMYQdcLwti) This project has ready to use TACT compiler, typescript + jest with ton-contract-executor, example how to do tests. To run deployment of `jetton.tact` example on testnet, you need input your deployment wallet seed [here](https://github.com/Reveloper/tact-jetton/blob/main/sources/jetton.deploy.ts#L20) and owner address [here](https://github.com/Reveloper/tact-jetton/blob/main/sources/jetton.deploy.ts#L46). ```bash yarn test # To test contract yarn build # To build contract yarn deploy # To deploy contract (need input deployment wallet) ``` ## Licence MIT