import { Cell, Address, internal, beginCell, contractAddress, toNano, fromNano, SendMode } from "ton"; import { storeDeposit, storeWithdraw, storeTokenTransfer, storeBlacklistWallet, storeVoteMsg } from "../output/jetton_TONB"; import { TON } from "./helpers"; import { wallet_data, owner, default_content, workchain, client } from './config'; import { TONB } from "../output/jetton_TONB"; import { TONBWallet } from '../output/jetton_TONBWallet'; import { Distribution, AddressList } from '../output/jetton_TONBWallet'; import { Dictionary } from 'ton-core'; import { PseudoStaking, storeSetOwner, storeInitiateBlacklistVote, storeFinishVote, RequestUnstake } from '../output/jetton_PseudoStaking'; import { Foundation, storeCollectProfit, storeRequestUnstake } from '../output/jetton_Foundation'; export async function sendMessage(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, msg: { value: string | bigint, to: Address, bounce?: boolean, init?: { code?: Cell, data?: Cell }, body?: any }) { let seqno: number = await wallet.getSeqno(); return await wallet.sendTransfer({ seqno, sendMode: SendMode.PAY_GAS_SEPARATLY + SendMode.IGNORE_ERRORS, secretKey, messages: [internal(msg)] }); } export async function deposit(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, value_: bigint | number, tonb: Address) { console.log('📤Sending deposit message to ', tonb, ' with value ', value_, '💎TON'); let value = BigInt(value_); let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeDeposit({ amount: value as bigint, $$type: 'Deposit' })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); // let msg_body = msg_body_b.storeUint(0x8999b164, 32).storeUint(value, 257).endCell(); let msg_value = value as bigint + toNano('0.1'); let res = await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: tonb, body: msg_body }); console.log(res); console.log('======deposit message sent ======'); } export async function withdraw(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, value_: bigint | number, tonb: Address) { let value = BigInt(value_); let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeWithdraw({ amount: value as bigint, $$type: 'Withdraw' })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.2'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: tonb, body: msg_body }); } export async function transfer(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, value_: bigint | number, tonb: Address, to: Address) { let value = BigInt(value_); let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeTokenTransfer({ amount: value as bigint, destination: to, queryId: 0n, forwardTonAmount: 0n, $$type: 'TokenTransfer', forwardPayload: beginCell().endCell(), responseDestination: null, customPayload: null })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.11'); let wallet_addr = await getWalletAddress(tonb, wallet.address); // log about the transfer with the wallet address, amount, and emojis console.log('📤Sending transfer message to ', wallet_addr, ' with value ', value_, '💎TON'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: wallet_addr, body: msg_body }); } export async function blacklistAddress(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, tonb: Address, address: Address) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeBlacklistWallet({ wallet: address, $$type: 'BlacklistWallet' })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.11'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: tonb, body: msg_body }); } export async function getTONBState(tonb_content?: any, add_staking: boolean | Address = false) { if (!tonb_content) { tonb_content = default_content; } let staking_addr: null | Address = null; if (add_staking === true) { staking_addr = contractAddress(workchain, await PseudoStaking.init()); } else if (add_staking instanceof Address) { staking_addr = add_staking; } return await TONB.init(owner, tonb_content, staking_addr); } export async function getTONB(owner2?: Address, tonb_content?: any, add_staking: boolean | Address = false) { if (!tonb_content) { tonb_content = default_content; } let staking_addr: null | Address = null; if (add_staking === true) { staking_addr = contractAddress(workchain, await PseudoStaking.init()); } else if (add_staking instanceof Address) { staking_addr = add_staking; } if (!owner2) { owner2 = owner; } return await TONB.fromInit(owner2, tonb_content, staking_addr); } export async function getTONBOpen(tonb_content?: any, add_staking: boolean | Address = false) { let tonb = await getTONB(undefined, tonb_content, add_staking); return; } export async function getFoundation( tonb_address: Address, admins?: Address[], admin_percents?: bigint[], founders?: Address[], ) { if (!admins) { admins = [owner]; admin_percents = [100n]; } if (!founders) { founders = [owner]; } return await Foundation.fromInit( createDistribution(admins, admin_percents as bigint[]), createAddressList(founders), tonb_address); } export async function getFoundationOpen( tonb_address: Address, admins?: Address[], admin_percents?: bigint[], founders?: Address[], ) { let foundation = await getFoundation(tonb_address, admins, admin_percents, founders); return; } export function createAddressList(addresses: Address[]): AddressList { let dict: Dictionary = Dictionary.empty(); for (let i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { dict.set(BigInt(i), addresses[i]); } return { $$type: 'AddressList', addresses: dict, length: BigInt(addresses.length) }; } export function createDistribution(addresses: Address[], percents: bigint[]): Distribution { let dict: Dictionary = Dictionary.empty(); for (let i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { dict.set(BigInt(i), percents[i]); } return { $$type: 'Distribution', addresses: createAddressList(addresses), percents: dict }; } export async function deployTONB(tonb_content?: any, cancel: boolean = false) { let { my_wallet, secretKey, keyPair } = await wallet_data(); // Get deployment wallet balance let balance: bigint = await my_wallet.getBalance(); let init = await getTONBState(tonb_content); // Compute init data for deployment let destination_address = contractAddress(workchain, init); let deployAmount = toNano('0.1'); let supply = 500; let amount = BigInt(supply * Math.pow(10, 9)); // send a message on new address contract to deploy it let seqno: number = await my_wallet.getSeqno(); console.log('🛠️Preparing new outgoing massage from deployment wallet. Seqno = ', seqno, ', wallet = ', my_wallet.address); console.log('Current deployment wallet balance = ', fromNano(balance).toString(), '💎TON'); // console.log('Totally supply for deployed Token = ', supply, ', amount = ', amount.toString()); if (cancel) { return destination_address; } let res = await my_wallet.sendTransfer({ seqno, secretKey, messages: [internal({ value: deployAmount, to: destination_address, init: { code: init.code, data: } })] }); console.log('======deployment message sent to ', destination_address, ' ======'); // console.log(res); return destination_address; } export async function getWalletAddress(master_: string | Address, owner_: string | Address) { let master = typeof master_ === 'string' ? Address.parse(master_) : master_; let owner = typeof owner_ === 'string' ? Address.parse(owner_) : owner_; return contractAddress(workchain, await TONBWallet.init(master, owner)); } export async function changeTONBOwner(wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, tonb: Address, new_owner: Address) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeSetOwner({ owner: new_owner, $$type: 'SetOwner' })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.11'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: tonb, body: msg_body }); } export async function createBlacklistVote( wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, foundation: Address, target: Address, vote_time: bigint, adminIndex: bigint, quorum_percent: bigint = 50n) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeInitiateBlacklistVote({ $$type: 'InitiateBlacklistVote', wallet: target, vote_time, adminIndex, quorum_percent })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('1.01'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: foundation, body: msg_body }); } export async function castVote( wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, foundation: Address, voteId: bigint, vote: bigint, adminIndex: bigint) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeVoteMsg({ $$type: 'VoteMsg', voteId, vote, adminIndex })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.05'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: foundation, body: msg_body }); } export async function finishVote( wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, foundation: Address, voteId: bigint) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeFinishVote({ $$type: 'FinishVote', voteId })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('1.05'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: foundation, body: msg_body }); } export async function requestUnstake( wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, foundation: Address, founderIndex: bigint) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeRequestUnstake({ $$type: 'RequestUnstake', founderIndex })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.05'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: foundation, body: msg_body }); } export async function collectProfit( wallet: any, secretKey: Buffer, foundation: Address, adminIndex: bigint) { let msg_body_b = beginCell(); storeCollectProfit({ $$type: 'CollectProfit', adminIndex })(msg_body_b); let msg_body = msg_body_b.endCell(); let msg_value = toNano('0.05'); await sendMessage(wallet, secretKey, { value: msg_value, to: foundation, body: msg_body }); }