import { toNano } from "ton";
import { ContractSystem } from "ton-emulator";
import { TONB } from '../output/jetton_TONB';
import { Foundation } from '../output/jetton_Foundation';
import { default_content } from '../utils/config';
import { TONBWallet } from '../output/jetton_TONBWallet';
import { beginCell } from 'ton-core';
import { PseudoStaking } from '../output/jetton_PseudoStaking';
import { createDistribution, createAddressList } from "../utils/interactions";
import { logEvents } from '../utils/helpers';
describe('jetton', () => {
it('should be able to distribute profits among admins', async () => {
// Create jetton
let system = await ContractSystem.create();
let owner = system.treasure('owner');
let someadmin = system.treasure('someadmin');
let pseudostaking_contract = system.open(await PseudoStaking.fromInit());
let tonb = system.open(await TONB.fromInit(owner.address, default_content, pseudostaking_contract.address));
let foundation = system.open(await Foundation.fromInit(
createDistribution([owner.address, someadmin.address], [40n, 60n]),
createAddressList([owner.address]), tonb.address));
let tonb_tracker = system.track(tonb.address);
tonb.send(owner, { value: toNano('1') }, { $$type: 'SetOwner', owner: foundation.address });
await pseudostaking_contract.send(owner, { value: toNano('10000') }, "Deposit");
await tonb.send(owner, { value: toNano('0.1') }, { $$type: "SetStakingPool", staking_pool: pseudostaking_contract.address });
await system.run();
await tonb.send(owner, { value: toNano('100.2') }, { $$type: 'Deposit', amount: toNano('100') });
await system.run();
let tonb_events = tonb_tracker.events();
let addressBook = { 'tonb': (tonb_events[1] as any).message.to, 'owner': (tonb_events[1] as any).message.from, 'staking': (tonb_events[9] as any).messages[0].to, 'someadmin': 'unknown' as any, 'foundation': 'unknown' as any };
let tracker = system.track(foundation.address);
await foundation.send(owner, { value: toNano('0.1') }, { $$type: 'RequestUnstake', founderIndex: 0n });
await system.run();
await foundation.send(someadmin, { value: toNano('0.1') }, { $$type: 'CollectProfit', adminIndex: 1n });
await foundation.send(owner, { value: toNano('0.1') }, { $$type: 'CollectProfit', adminIndex: 0n });
await system.run();
let foundation_events = tracker.events();
addressBook['foundation'] = (foundation_events[1] as any).message.to;
expect((foundation_events[11] as any).messages[0].value).toBeGreaterThan(toNano('3.9'));
expect((foundation_events[11] as any).messages[0].value).toBeLessThan(toNano('4.1'));
expect((foundation_events[11] as any).messages[0].to).toEqual(addressBook['owner']);
expect((foundation_events[8] as any).messages[0].value).toBeGreaterThan(toNano('5.9'));
expect((foundation_events[8] as any).messages[0].value).toBeLessThan(toNano('6.1'));
it('should be able to create a vote for blacklisting', async () => {
let system = await ContractSystem.create();
let owner = system.treasure('owner');
let someadmin = system.treasure('someadmin');
let pseudostaking_contract = system.open(await PseudoStaking.fromInit());
let tonb = system.open(await TONB.fromInit(owner.address, default_content, pseudostaking_contract.address));
let foundation = system.open(await Foundation.fromInit(
createDistribution([owner.address, someadmin.address], [60n, 40n]),
createAddressList([owner.address]), tonb.address));
let tonb_tracker = system.track(tonb.address);
let foundation_tracker = system.track(foundation.address);
tonb.send(owner, { value: toNano('1') }, { $$type: 'SetOwner', owner: foundation.address });
await tonb.send(owner, { value: toNano('100.2') }, { $$type: 'Deposit', amount: toNano('100') });
await system.run();
let tonb_events = tonb_tracker.events();
await foundation.send(someadmin, { value: toNano('1.1') }, {
$$type: "InitiateBlacklistVote", wallet: owner.address,
adminIndex: 1n, quorum_percent: 50n, vote_time: 0n
await system.run();
let addressBook = { 'tonb': (tonb_events[1] as any).message.to, 'owner': (tonb_events[1] as any).message.from, 'someadmin': 'unknown' as any, 'foundation': 'unknown' as any };
let foundation_events = foundation_tracker.events();
addressBook['foundation'] = (foundation_events[1] as any).message.to;
addressBook['someadmin'] = (foundation_events[1] as any).message.from;
let v = await foundation.getNthVote(0n) as any;
await foundation.send(someadmin, { value: toNano('1.1') }, { $$type: "VoteMsg", vote: 2n, adminIndex: 1n, voteId: 0n });
await foundation.send(owner, { value: toNano('1.1') }, { $$type: "VoteMsg", vote: 1n, adminIndex: 0n, voteId: 0n });
await system.run();
await foundation.send(someadmin, { value: toNano('1.1') }, { $$type: "FinishVote", voteId: 0n });
await system.run();
v = await foundation.getNthVote(0n) as any;
foundation_events = foundation_tracker.events();
await system.run();
tonb_events = tonb_tracker.events();
expect((tonb_events[5] as any).messages[0].to).toEqual(addressBook['owner']);
expect((tonb_events[5] as any).messages[0].value).toBeGreaterThan(toNano('99'));