You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

288 lines
9.5 KiB

#pragma version =0.4.1;
#pragma allow-post-modification;
#pragma compute-asm-ltr;
forall X -> X __tact_not_null(X x) inline { throw_if(128, null?(x)); return x; }
(cell, int) __tact_dict_delete(cell dict, int key_len, slice index) asm(index dict key_len) "DICTDEL";
(slice, int) __tact_dict_get(cell dict, int key_len, slice index) asm(index dict key_len) "DICTGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
global (int, slice, int, slice) __tact_context;
global cell __tact_context_sys;
(int, slice, int, slice) __tact_context_get() inline { return __tact_context; }
() __tact_verify_address(slice address) inline {
throw_unless(136, address.slice_bits() != 267);
builder __tact_store_bool(builder b, int v) inline {
b = b.store_int(v, 1);
return b;
builder __tact_store_address(builder b, slice address) inline {
b = b.store_slice(address);
return b;
(cell, ()) __tact_dict_set_slice_int(cell d, int kl, slice k, int v, int vl) {
if (null?(v)) {
var (r, ok) = __tact_dict_delete(d, kl, k);
return (r, ());
} else {
return (dict_set_builder(d, kl, k, begin_cell().store_int(v, vl)), ());
int __tact_dict_get_slice_int(cell d, int kl, slice k, int vl) inline {
var (r, ok) = __tact_dict_get(d, kl, k);
if (ok) {
return r~load_int(vl);
} else {
return null();
tuple __tact_string_builder_start(builder b) inline {
return tpush(tpush(empty_tuple(), b), null());
tuple __tact_string_builder_start_comment() inline {
return __tact_string_builder_start(begin_cell().store_uint(0, 32));
cell __tact_string_builder_end(tuple builders) inline {
(builder b, tuple tail) = uncons(builders);
cell c = b.end_cell();
while(~ null?(tail)) {
(b, tail) = uncons(tail);
c = b.store_ref(c).end_cell();
return c;
((tuple), ()) __tact_string_builder_append(tuple builders, slice sc) inline_ref {
int sliceRefs = slice_refs(sc);
int sliceBits = slice_bits(sc);
while((sliceBits > 0) | (sliceRefs > 0)) {
;; Load the current builder
(builder b, tuple tail) = uncons(builders);
int remBytes = 127 - (builder_bits(b) / 8);
int exBytes = sliceBits / 8;
;; Append bits
int amount = min(remBytes, exBytes);
if (amount > 0) {
slice read = sc~load_bits(amount * 8);
b = b.store_slice(read);
;; Update builders
builders = cons(b, tail);
;; Check if we need to add a new cell and continue
if (exBytes - amount > 0) {
var bb = begin_cell();
builders = cons(bb, builders);
sliceBits = (exBytes - amount) * 8;
} elseif (sliceRefs > 0) {
sc = sc~load_ref().begin_parse();
sliceRefs = slice_refs(sc);
sliceBits = slice_bits(sc);
} else {
sliceBits = 0;
sliceRefs = 0;
return ((builders), ());
(slice, ((int))) __gen_read_StakingWithdraw(slice sc_0) inline {
throw_unless(129, sc_0~load_uint(32) == 3665837821);
var v'value = sc_0~load_coins();
return (sc_0, (v'value));
builder __gen_write_PseudoStaking(builder build_0, (cell) v) inline {
var (v'stakes) = v;
build_0 = build_0.store_dict(v'stakes);
return build_0;
(slice, ((cell))) __gen_read_PseudoStaking(slice sc_0) inline {
var v'stakes = sc_0~load_dict();
return (sc_0, (v'stakes));
(cell) __gen_load_PseudoStaking() inline {
slice sc = get_data().begin_parse();
__tact_context_sys = sc~load_ref();
return sc~__gen_read_PseudoStaking();
() __gen_store_PseudoStaking((cell) v) impure inline {
builder b = begin_cell();
b = b.store_ref(__tact_context_sys);
b = __gen_write_PseudoStaking(b, v);
;; String "Withdraw completed"
slice __gen_str_2874951020() asm "B{b5ee9c72410101010014000024576974686472617720636f6d706c65746564f7612edd} B>boc <s PUSHSLICE";
() $send((int, slice, int, int, cell, cell, cell) $params) impure inline_ref {
var (($params'bounce, $params'to, $params'value, $params'mode, $params'body, $params'code, $params'data)) = $params;
builder $b = begin_cell();
$b = store_int($b, 1, 2);
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, $params'bounce);
$b = store_int($b, 0, 3);
$b = __tact_store_address($b, $params'to);
$b = store_coins($b, $params'value);
$b = store_int($b, 0, ((((1 + 4) + 4) + 64) + 32));
if (((~ null?($params'code)) | (~ null?($params'data)))) {
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, true);
builder $bc = begin_cell();
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, false);
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, false);
if ((~ null?($params'code))) {
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, true);
$bc = store_ref($bc, __tact_not_null($params'code));
} else {
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, false);
if ((~ null?($params'data))) {
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, true);
$bc = store_ref($bc, __tact_not_null($params'data));
} else {
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, false);
$bc = __tact_store_bool($bc, false);
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, true);
$b = store_ref($b, end_cell($bc));
} else {
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, false);
cell $body = $params'body;
if ((~ null?($body))) {
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, true);
$b = store_ref($b, __tact_not_null($body));
} else {
$b = __tact_store_bool($b, false);
cell $c = end_cell($b);
send_raw_message($c, $params'mode);
cell $__gen_String_asComment(slice $self) impure inline_ref {
var ($self) = $self;
tuple $b = __tact_string_builder_start_comment();
return __tact_string_builder_end($b);
((cell), ()) $__gen_PseudoStaking_receive_comment_2dcb19a5b89db9d3377fc651c6f9b6b92db9be624060c62a50572cdc97968638((cell) $self) impure inline {
var ($self'stakes) = $self;
var ($ctx'bounced, $ctx'sender, $ctx'value, $ctx'raw) = __tact_context_get();
slice $sender = $ctx'sender;
int $ex_stake = __tact_dict_get_slice_int($self'stakes, 267, $sender, 257);
if (null?($ex_stake)) {
$ex_stake = 0;
$self'stakes~__tact_dict_set_slice_int(267, $sender, (__tact_not_null($ex_stake) + $ctx'value), 257);
return (($self'stakes), ());
(((cell)), ()) $__gen_PseudoStaking_receive_StakingWithdraw((cell) $self, (int) $msg) impure inline {
var ($self'stakes) = $self;
var ($msg'value) = $msg;
var ($ctx'bounced, $ctx'sender, $ctx'value, $ctx'raw) = __tact_context_get();
int $value = $msg'value;
if (($value == 0)) {
$value = ((__tact_not_null(__tact_dict_get_slice_int($self'stakes, 267, $ctx'sender, 257)) * 110) / 100);
$self'stakes~__tact_dict_set_slice_int(267, $ctx'sender, (__tact_not_null(__tact_dict_get_slice_int($self'stakes, 267, $ctx'sender, 257)) - $value), 257);
if ((__tact_not_null(__tact_dict_get_slice_int($self'stakes, 267, $ctx'sender, 257)) < 0)) {
$self'stakes~__tact_dict_set_slice_int(267, $ctx'sender, 0, 257);
$send((true, $ctx'sender, $value, 0, $__gen_String_asComment(__gen_str_2874951020()), null(), null()));
return (($self'stakes), ());
((cell), ()) $__gen_PseudoStaking_receive_fallback((cell) $self, slice $msg) impure inline {
var ($self'stakes) = $self;
int $op = $msg~load_uint(32);
if (($op == 2077040623)) {
var ($ctx'bounced, $ctx'sender, $ctx'value, $ctx'raw) = __tact_context_get();
slice $sender = $ctx'sender;
int $ex_stake = __tact_dict_get_slice_int($self'stakes, 267, $sender, 257);
if (null?($ex_stake)) {
$ex_stake = 0;
$self'stakes~__tact_dict_set_slice_int(267, $sender, (__tact_not_null($ex_stake) + $ctx'value), 257);
return (($self'stakes), ());
() recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) impure {
;; Parse incoming message
int op = 0;
if (slice_bits(in_msg) >= 32) {
op = in_msg.preload_uint(32);
var cs = in_msg_cell.begin_parse();
var msg_flags = cs~load_uint(4);
var msg_bounced = ((msg_flags & 1) == 1 ? true : false);
slice msg_sender_addr = cs~load_msg_addr();
__tact_context = (msg_bounced, msg_sender_addr, msg_value, cs);
;; Handle bounced messages
if (msg_bounced) {
return ();
;; Receive StakingWithdraw message
if (op == 3665837821) {
var self = __gen_load_PseudoStaking();
var msg = in_msg~__gen_read_StakingWithdraw();
return ();
;; Text Receivers
if (op == 0) {
var text_op = slice_hash(in_msg);
;; Receive "Deposit" message
if (text_op == 0x2dcb19a5b89db9d3377fc651c6f9b6b92db9be624060c62a50572cdc97968638) {
var self = __gen_load_PseudoStaking();
return ();
;; Receiver fallback
var self = __gen_load_PseudoStaking();
_ supported_interfaces() method_id {
return (
"org.ton.introspection.v0"H >> 128,
"org.ton.abi.ipfs.v0"H >> 128
_ get_abi_ipfs() {
2 years ago
return "ipfs://QmdoULq5gDK4DSXmexrZT7UjZ4Es75uDjT4QtSJsCmF8DD";