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import { contractAddress, toNano } from "ton";
import { packAdd, SampleTactContract_init } from "./output/sample_SampleTactContract";
import { printAddress, printDeploy, printHeader } from "./utils/print";
import { randomAddress } from "./utils/randomAddress";
(async () => { //need to changes for jetton
// Parameters
// let owner = randomAddress(0, 'some-owner'); // Replace owner with your address
// let packed = packAdd({ $$type: 'Add', amount: 10n }); // Replace if you want another message used
// let init = await SampleTactContract_init(owner);
// let address = contractAddress({ workchain: 0, initialCode: init.code, initialData: });
// let deployAmount = toNano(10);
// let testnet = true;
// // Print basics
// printHeader('SampleTactContract');
// printAddress(address);
// printDeploy(init, deployAmount, packed, testnet);