import { beginCell, contractAddress, toNano, TonClient, TonClient4, Address, WalletContractV4, internal, fromNano} from "ton"; import {mnemonicToPrivateKey} from "ton-crypto"; import {JettonMetaDataKeys} from 'utils/jetton-helpers'; (async () => { //need changes for jetton // This is example data - Modify these params for your own jetton! // - Data is stored on-chain (except for the image data itself) // - Owner should usually be the deploying wallet's address. const jettonParams = { name: "MyJetton", symbol: "JET1", image: "", // Image url description: "My jetton", }; //create client for testnet Toncenter API const client = new TonClient({ endpoint: '', apiKey: 'bb38df0c2756c66e2ab49f064e2484ec444b01244d2bd49793bd5b58f61ae3d2' }) //create client for testnet sandboxv4 API - alternative endpoint const client4 = new TonClient4({ endpoint: "" }) // Insert your test wallet's 24 words, make sure you have some test Toncoins on its balance. Every deployment spent 0.5 test toncoin. let mnemonics = "multiply voice predict admit hockey fringe flat bike napkin child quote piano year cloud bundle lunch...."; // read more about wallet apps let keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonics.split(" ")); let secretKey = keyPair.secretKey; //workchain = 1 - masterchain (expensive operation cost, validator's election contract works here) //workchain = 0 - basechain (normal operation cost, user's contracts works here) let workchain = 0; //we are working in basechain. //Create deployment wallet contract let wallet = WalletContractV4.create({ workchain, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey}); let contract =; // Get deployment wallet balance let balance: bigint = await contract.getBalance(); // Generate define owner of Jetton contract let owner = Address.parse('kQDND6yHEzKB82ZGRn58aY9Tt_69Ie_uz73e2VuuJ3fVVcxf'); // Create content Cell let content = beginCell().storeUint() // Compute init for deployment let init = await SampleJetton.init(owner, content); // send a message on new address contract to deploy it let seqno: number = await contract.getSeqno(); console.log('🛠️Preparing new outgoing massage from deployment wallet. Seqno = ', seqno); console.log('Current deployment wallet balance = ', fromNano(balance).toString(), '💎TON'); await contract.sendTransfer({ seqno, secretKey, messages: [internal({ value: deployAmount, to: destination_address, init: { code : init.code, data : }, body: 'Deploy' })] }); console.log('======deployment message sent to ', destination_address, ' ======'); })(); export type JettonMetaDataKeys = "name" | "description" | "image" | "symbol"; const jettonOnChainMetadataSpec: { [key in JettonMetaDataKeys]: "utf8" | "ascii" | undefined; } = { name: "utf8", description: "utf8", image: "ascii", symbol: "utf8", }; const sha256 = (str: string) => { const sha = new Sha256(); sha.update(str); return Buffer.from(sha.digestSync()); }; export function buildTokenMetadataCell(data: { [s: string]: string | undefined }): Cell { const KEYLEN = 256; const dict = beginDict(KEYLEN); Object.entries(data).forEach(([k, v]: [string, string | undefined]) => { if (!jettonOnChainMetadataSpec[k as JettonMetaDataKeys]) throw new Error(`Unsupported onchain key: ${k}`); if (v === undefined || v === "") return; let bufferToStore = Buffer.from(v, jettonOnChainMetadataSpec[k as JettonMetaDataKeys]); const CELL_MAX_SIZE_BYTES = Math.floor((1023 - 8) / 8); const rootCell = new Cell(); rootCell.bits.writeUint8(SNAKE_PREFIX); let currentCell = rootCell; while (bufferToStore.length > 0) { currentCell.bits.writeBuffer(bufferToStore.slice(0, CELL_MAX_SIZE_BYTES)); bufferToStore = bufferToStore.slice(CELL_MAX_SIZE_BYTES); if (bufferToStore.length > 0) { const newCell = new Cell(); currentCell.refs.push(newCell); currentCell = newCell; } } dict.storeRef(sha256(k), rootCell); }); return beginCell().storeInt(ONCHAIN_CONTENT_PREFIX, 8).storeDict(dict.endDict()).endCell(); } export function parseTokenMetadataCell(contentCell: Cell): { [s in JettonMetaDataKeys]?: string; } { // Note that this relies on what is (perhaps) an internal implementation detail: // "ton" library dict parser converts: key (provided as buffer) => BN(base10) // and upon parsing, it reads it back to a BN(base10) // tl;dr if we want to read the map back to a JSON with string keys, we have to convert BN(10) back to hex const toKey = (str: string) => new BN(str, "hex").toString(10); const KEYLEN = 256; const contentSlice = contentCell.beginParse(); if (contentSlice.readUint(8).toNumber() !== ONCHAIN_CONTENT_PREFIX) throw new Error("Expected onchain content marker"); const dict = contentSlice.readDict(KEYLEN, (s) => { const buffer = Buffer.from(""); const sliceToVal = (s: Slice, v: Buffer, isFirst: boolean) => { s.toCell().beginParse(); if (isFirst && s.readUint(8).toNumber() !== SNAKE_PREFIX) throw new Error("Only snake format is supported"); v = Buffer.concat([v, s.readRemainingBytes()]); if (s.remainingRefs === 1) { v = sliceToVal(s.readRef(), v, false); } return v; }; return sliceToVal(s.readRef(), buffer, true); }); const res: { [s in JettonMetaDataKeys]?: string } = {}; Object.keys(jettonOnChainMetadataSpec).forEach((k) => { const val = dict .get(toKey(sha256(k).toString("hex"))) ?.toString(jettonOnChainMetadataSpec[k as JettonMetaDataKeys]); if (val) res[k as JettonMetaDataKeys] = val; }); return res; } export function jettonMinterInitData( owner: Address, metadata: { [s in JettonMetaDataKeys]?: string } ): Cell { return beginCell() .storeCoins(0) .storeAddress(owner) .storeRef(buildTokenMetadataCell(metadata)) .storeRef(JETTON_WALLET_CODE) .endCell(); } // return the init Cell of the contract storage (according to load_data() contract method) export function initData() { return jettonMinterInitData(jettonParams.owner, { name:, symbol: jettonParams.symbol, image: jettonParams.image, description: jettonParams.description, }); } // return the op that should be sent to the contract on deployment, can be "null" to send an empty message export function initMessage() { return null; // TODO? } // optional end-to-end sanity test for the actual on-chain contract to see it is actually working on-chain export async function postDeployTest( walletContract: WalletContract, secretKey: Buffer, contractAddress: Address ) { const call = await walletContract.client.callGetMethod(contractAddress, "get_jetton_data"); console.log( parseTokenMetadataCell( Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(call.stack[3][1].bytes, "base64").toString("hex"))[0] ) ); }