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// This is a simple generic build script in TypeScript that should work for most projects without modification
// The script assumes that it is running from the repo root, and the directories are organized this way:
// ./build/ - directory for build artifacts exists
// ./contracts/*.fc - root contracts that are deployed separately are here
// ./contracts/imports/*.fc - shared utility code that should be imported as compilation dependency is here
// if you need imports that are dedicated to one contract and aren't shared, place them in a directory with the contract name:
// ./contracts/import/mycontract/*.fc
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import process from "process";
import child_process from "child_process";
import glob from "fast-glob";
async function main() {
console.log(`Build script running, let's find some FunC contracts to compile..`);
// if we have an explicit bin directory, use the executables there (needed for
if (fs.existsSync("bin")) {
process.env.PATH = __dirname + "/../bin/:" + process.env.PATH;
process.env.FIFTPATH = __dirname + "/../bin/fiftlib";
// make sure func compiler is available
let funcVersion = "";
try {
funcVersion = child_process.execSync("func -V").toString();
} catch (e) {}
if (!funcVersion.includes(`Func build information`)) {
console.log(`\nFATAL ERROR: 'func' executable is not found, is it installed and in path?`);
// make sure fift cli is available
let fiftVersion = "";
try {
fiftVersion = child_process.execSync("fift -V").toString();
} catch (e) {}
if (!fiftVersion.includes(`Fift build information`)) {
console.log(`\nFATAL ERROR: 'fift' executable is not found, is it installed and in path?`);
// go over all the root contracts in the contracts directory
const rootContracts = glob.sync(["contracts/*.fc", "contracts/*.func"]);
for (const rootContract of rootContracts) {
// compile a new root contract
console.log(`\n* Found root contract '${rootContract}' - let's compile it:`);
const contractName = path.parse(rootContract).name;
// delete existing build artifacts
const fiftArtifact = `build/${contractName}.fif`;
if (fs.existsSync(fiftArtifact)) {
console.log(` - Deleting old build artifact '${fiftArtifact}'`);
const mergedFuncArtifact = `build/${contractName}.merged.fc`;
if (fs.existsSync(mergedFuncArtifact)) {
console.log(` - Deleting old build artifact '${mergedFuncArtifact}'`);
const fiftCellArtifact = `build/${contractName}.cell.fif`;
if (fs.existsSync(fiftCellArtifact)) {
console.log(` - Deleting old build artifact '${fiftCellArtifact}'`);
const cellArtifact = `build/${contractName}.cell`;
if (fs.existsSync(cellArtifact)) {
console.log(` - Deleting old build artifact '${cellArtifact}'`);
// check if we have a tlb file
const tlbFile = `contracts/${contractName}.tlb`;
if (fs.existsSync(tlbFile)) {
console.log(` - TL-B file '${tlbFile}' found, calculating crc32 on all ops..`);
const tlbContent = fs.readFileSync(tlbFile).toString();
const tlbOpMessages = tlbContent.match(/^(\w+).*=\s*InternalMsgBody$/gm) ?? [];
for (const tlbOpMessage of tlbOpMessages) {
const crc = crc32(tlbOpMessage);
const asQuery = `0x${(crc & 0x7fffffff).toString(16)}`;
const asResponse = `0x${((crc | 0x80000000) >>> 0).toString(16)}`;
console.log(` op '${tlbOpMessage.split(" ")[0]}': '${asQuery}' as query (&0x7fffffff), '${asResponse}' as response (|0x80000000)`);
} else {
console.log(` - Warning: TL-B file for contract '${tlbFile}' not found, are your op consts according to standard?`);
// create a merged fc file with source code from all dependencies
let sourceToCompile = "";
const importFiles = glob.sync([`contracts/imports/*.fc`, `contracts/imports/*.func`, `contracts/imports/${contractName}/*.fc`, `contracts/imports/${contractName}/*.func`]);
for (const importFile of importFiles) {
console.log(` - Adding import '${importFile}'`);
sourceToCompile += `${fs.readFileSync(importFile).toString()}\n`;
console.log(` - Adding the contract itself '${rootContract}'`);
sourceToCompile += `${fs.readFileSync(rootContract).toString()}\n`;
fs.writeFileSync(mergedFuncArtifact, sourceToCompile);
console.log(` - Build artifact created '${mergedFuncArtifact}'`);
// run the func compiler to create a fif file
console.log(` - Trying to compile '${mergedFuncArtifact}' with 'func' compiler..`);
const buildErrors = child_process.execSync(`func -APS -o build/${contractName}.fif ${mergedFuncArtifact} 2>&1 >&-`).toString();
if (buildErrors.length > 0) {
console.log(` - OH NO! Compilation Errors! The compiler output was:`);
} else {
console.log(` - Compilation successful!`);
// make sure fif build artifact was created
if (!fs.existsSync(fiftArtifact)) {
console.log(` - For some reason '${fiftArtifact}' was not created!`);
} else {
console.log(` - Build artifact created '${fiftArtifact}'`);
// create a temp cell.fif that will generate the cell
let fiftCellSource = `"Asm.fif" include\n`;
fiftCellSource += `${fs.readFileSync(fiftArtifact).toString()}\n`;
fiftCellSource += `boc>B "${cellArtifact}" B>file`;
fs.writeFileSync(fiftCellArtifact, fiftCellSource);
// run fift cli to create the cell
try {
child_process.execSync(`fift ${fiftCellArtifact}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`FATAL ERROR: 'fift' executable failed, is FIFTPATH env variable defined?`);
// make sure cell build artifact was created
if (!fs.existsSync(cellArtifact)) {
console.log(` - For some reason '${cellArtifact}' was not created!`);
} else {
console.log(` - Build artifact created '${cellArtifact}'`);
// helpers
function crc32(r: string) {
for (var a, o = [], c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
a = c;
for (var f = 0; f < 8; f++) a = 1 & a ? 3988292384 ^ (a >>> 1) : a >>> 1;
o[c] = a;
for (var n = -1, t = 0; t < r.length; t++) n = (n >>> 8) ^ o[255 & (n ^ r.charCodeAt(t))];
return (-1 ^ n) >>> 0;