import { Address, Cell, CellMessage, InternalMessage, CommonMessageInfo, WalletContract, SendMode, Wallet } from "ton"; import BN from "bn.js"; // helper for end-to-end on-chain tests (normally post deploy) to allow sending InternalMessages to contracts using a wallet export async function sendInternalMessageWithWallet(params: { walletContract: WalletContract; secretKey: Buffer; to: Address; value: BN; bounce?: boolean; body?: Cell }) { const message = params.body ? new CellMessage(params.body) : undefined; const seqno = await params.walletContract.getSeqNo(); const transfer = params.walletContract.createTransfer({ secretKey: params.secretKey, seqno: seqno, sendMode: SendMode.PAY_GAS_SEPARATLY + SendMode.IGNORE_ERRORS, order: new InternalMessage({ to:, value: params.value, bounce: params.bounce ?? false, body: new CommonMessageInfo({ body: message, }), }), }); await params.walletContract.client.sendExternalMessage(params.walletContract, transfer); for (let attempt = 0; attempt < 10; attempt++) { await sleep(2000); const seqnoAfter = await params.walletContract.getSeqNo(); if (seqnoAfter > seqno) return; } } function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }