// This is a simple generic deploy script in TypeScript that should work for most projects without modification // Every contract you want to deploy should have a mycontract.deploy.ts script that returns its init data // The script assumes that it is running from the repo root, and the directories are organized this way: // ./build/ - directory for build artifacts (mycontract.cell) and deploy init data scripts (mycontract.deploy.ts) // ./build/deploy.config.json - JSON config file with secret mnemonic of deploying wallet (will be created if not found) import axios from "axios"; import axiosThrottle from "axios-request-throttle"; axiosThrottle.use(axios, { requestsPerSecond: 0.5 }); // required since toncenter jsonRPC limits to 1 req/sec without API key import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import glob from "fast-glob"; import { Cell, CellMessage, CommonMessageInfo, contractAddress, fromNano, InternalMessage, SendMode, StateInit, toNano, TonClient, WalletContract, WalletV3R2Source } from "ton"; import { mnemonicNew, mnemonicToWalletKey } from "ton-crypto"; async function main() { console.log(`=================================================================`); console.log(`Deploy script running, let's find some contracts to deploy..`); // check some global settings if (process.env.TESTNET) { console.log(`\n* We are deploying to 'testnet' (https://t.me/testgiver_ton_bot will give you test TON)`); } else { console.log(`\n* We are deploying to 'mainnet'`); } // make sure we have a wallet mnemonic to deploy from (or create one if not found) const deployConfigJson = `build/deploy.config.json`; let deployerMnemonic; if (!fs.existsSync(deployConfigJson)) { console.log(`\n* Config file '${deployConfigJson}' not found, creating a new wallet for deploy..`); deployerMnemonic = (await mnemonicNew(24)).join(" "); const deployWalletJsonContent = { created: new Date().toISOString(), deployerMnemonic }; fs.writeFileSync(deployConfigJson, JSON.stringify(deployWalletJsonContent, null, 2)); console.log(` - Created new wallet in '${deployConfigJson}' - keep this file secret!`); } else { console.log(`\n* Config file '${deployConfigJson}' found and will be used for deployment!`); const deployConfigJsonContent = require(__dirname + "/../" + deployConfigJson); if (!deployConfigJsonContent.deployerMnemonic) { console.log(` - ERROR: '${deployConfigJson}' does not have the key 'deployerMnemonic'`); process.exit(1); } deployerMnemonic = deployConfigJsonContent.deployerMnemonic; } // open the wallet and make sure it has enough TON const client = new TonClient({ endpoint: `https://${process.env.TESTNET ? "testnet." : ""}toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC` }); const walletKey = await mnemonicToWalletKey(deployerMnemonic.split(" ")); const walletContract = WalletContract.create(client, WalletV3R2Source.create({ publicKey: walletKey.publicKey, workchain: 0 })); console.log(` - Wallet address used for deployment is: ${walletContract.address.toFriendly()}`); const walletBalance = await client.getBalance(walletContract.address); if (walletBalance.lt(toNano(1))) { console.log(` - ERROR: Wallet has less than 1 TON for gas (${fromNano(walletBalance)} TON), please send some TON for gas first`); process.exit(1); } // go over all the contracts we have deploy scripts for const rootContracts = glob.sync(["build/*.deploy.ts"]); for (const rootContract of rootContracts) { // deploy a new root contract console.log(`\n* Found root contract to deploy '${rootContract}':`); const contractName = path.parse(path.parse(rootContract).name).name; // prepare the init data cell const deployInit = require(__dirname + "/../" + rootContract); if (typeof deployInit.initData !== "function") { console.log(` - ERROR: '${rootContract}' does not have 'initData()' function`); process.exit(1); } const initDataCell = deployInit.initData() as Cell; // prepare the init message if (typeof deployInit.initMessage !== "function") { console.log(` - ERROR: '${rootContract}' does not have 'initMessage()' function`); process.exit(1); } const initMessageCell = deployInit.initMessage() as Cell | null; // prepare the init code cell const cellArtifact = `build/${contractName}.cell`; if (!fs.existsSync(cellArtifact)) { console.log(` - ERROR: '${cellArtifact}' not found, did you build?`); process.exit(1); } const initCodeCell = Cell.fromBoc(fs.readFileSync(cellArtifact))[0]; // make sure the contract was not already deployed const newContractAddress = contractAddress({ workchain: 0, initialData: initDataCell, initialCode: initCodeCell }); console.log(` - Based on your init code+data, your new contract address is: ${newContractAddress.toFriendly()}`); if (await client.isContractDeployed(newContractAddress)) { console.log(` - Looks like the contract is already deployed in this address, skipping`); continue; } // deploy by sending an internal message to the deploying wallet console.log(` - Let's deploy the contract on-chain..`); const seqno = await walletContract.getSeqNo(); const transfer = walletContract.createTransfer({ secretKey: walletKey.secretKey, seqno: seqno, sendMode: SendMode.PAY_GAS_SEPARATLY + SendMode.IGNORE_ERRORS, order: new InternalMessage({ to: newContractAddress, value: toNano(0.1), bounce: false, body: new CommonMessageInfo({ stateInit: new StateInit({ data: initDataCell, code: initCodeCell }), body: initMessageCell !== null ? new CellMessage(initMessageCell) : null, }), }), }); await client.sendExternalMessage(walletContract, transfer); console.log(` - Deploy transaction sent successfully`); // make sure that the contract was deployed console.log(` - Waiting 5 seconds to check if the contract was actually deployed..`); await sleep(5000); if (await client.isContractDeployed(newContractAddress)) { console.log(` - SUCCESS! Contract deployed successfully to address: ${newContractAddress.toFriendly()}`); } else { console.log(` - FAILURE! Contract address still looks uninitialized: ${newContractAddress.toFriendly()}`); } } console.log(``); } main(); // helpers function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }