import chai, { expect } from "chai"; import chaiBN from "chai-bn"; import BN from "bn.js"; chai.use(chaiBN(BN)); import { Cell, Slice } from "ton"; import { SmartContract } from "ton-contract-executor"; import * as main from "../contracts/main"; import { internalMessage, randomAddress } from "./helpers"; import { hex } from "../build/main-bitcode.json"; describe("Transfer ownership tests", () => { let contract: SmartContract; beforeEach(async () => { contract = await SmartContract.fromCell( Cell.fromBoc(hex)[0], // code cell from build output{ ownerAddress: randomAddress("owner"), counter: 17, }) ); }); it("should allow the owner to change owners", async () => { const send = await contract.sendInternalMessage( internalMessage({ from: randomAddress("owner"), body: main.transferOwnership({ newOwnerAddress: randomAddress("newowner") }), }) ); expect(send.type).to.equal("success"); const call = await contract.invokeGetMethod("owner_address", []); const address = (call.result[0] as Slice).readAddress(); expect(address?.equals(randomAddress("newowner"))).to.equal(true); }); it("should prevent others from changing owners", async () => { const send = await contract.sendInternalMessage( internalMessage({ from: randomAddress("notowner"), body: main.transferOwnership({ newOwnerAddress: randomAddress("newowner") }), }) ); expect(send.type).to.equal("failed"); expect(send.exit_code).to.equal(102); // access_denied in contracts/imports/constants.fc const call = await contract.invokeGetMethod("owner_address", []); const address = (call.result[0] as Slice).readAddress(); expect(address?.equals(randomAddress("owner"))).to.equal(true); }); });