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// This is a simple setup script in TypeScript that should work for most projects without modification
// The purpose of this script is to install build dependencies (tools like "func" and "fift") automatically
// We rely on this script for example to support (online IDE) and have it working in one click
import fs from "fs";
import child_process from "child_process";
// check if we're running on (glitch is running Ubuntu 16)
if (fs.existsSync("/app/.glitchdotcom.json")) {
// make sure we're installed once
if (!fs.existsSync("/app/bin")) {
child_process.execSync(`mkdir bin`);
child_process.execSync(`wget -P ./bin`);
child_process.execSync(`chmod +x ./bin/fift`);
child_process.execSync(`wget -P ./bin`);
child_process.execSync(`chmod +x ./bin/func`);
child_process.execSync(`wget -P ./bin`);
child_process.execSync(`unzip ./bin/ -d ./bin/fiftlib`);
2 years ago