import Layout from "app/core/layouts/Layout" import { LabeledTextField } from "app/core/components/LabeledTextField" import { Form, FORM_ERROR } from "app/core/components/Form" import { ResetPassword } from "app/auth/validations" import resetPassword from "app/auth/mutations/resetPassword" import { BlitzPage, Routes } from "@blitzjs/next" import { useRouter } from "next/router" import { useMutation } from "@blitzjs/rpc" import Link from "next/link" const ResetPasswordPage: BlitzPage = () => { const router = useRouter() const [resetPasswordMutation, { isSuccess }] = useMutation(resetPassword) return (

Set a New Password

{isSuccess ? (

Password Reset Successfully

Go to the homepage

) : (
{ try { await resetPasswordMutation(values) } catch (error: any) { if ( === "ResetPasswordError") { return { [FORM_ERROR]: error.message, } } else { return { [FORM_ERROR]: "Sorry, we had an unexpected error. Please try again.", } } } }} > )}
) } ResetPasswordPage.redirectAuthenticatedTo = "/" ResetPasswordPage.getLayout = (page) => {page} export default ResetPasswordPage