import { Suspense } from "react" import Layout from "app/core/layouts/Layout" import { Routes, BlitzPage } from "@blitzjs/next" import Search from "app/core/pages/Search" import { ErrorBoundary } from "@blitzjs/next" import { gSSP } from "app/blitz-server" import { serverSideProps, ServerSidePropsContext, } from "app/core/contextProviders/serverSidePropsProvider" import ContextProviders from "app/core/components/ContextProviders" function ErrorFallback({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) { return (

Something went wrong:

) } const SearchPage: BlitzPage = (props) => { // const currentUser = useCurrentUser() return ( { // reset the state of your app so the error doesn't happen again }} > ) } export const getServerSideProps = gSSP(serverSideProps()) export default SearchPage