import { z } from "zod" export const email = z .string() .email() .transform((str) => str.toLowerCase().trim()) export const password = z .string() .min(10) .max(100) .transform((str) => str.trim()) export const Signup = z.object({ email, password, }) export const Login = z.object({ email, password: z.string(), }) export const ForgotPassword = z.object({ email, }) export const ResetPassword = z .object({ password: password, passwordConfirmation: password, token: z.string(), }) .refine((data) => data.password === data.passwordConfirmation, { message: "Passwords don't match", path: ["passwordConfirmation"], // set the path of the error }) export const ChangePassword = z.object({ currentPassword: z.string(), newPassword: password, })