import * as main from "../contracts/main"; import { Address, toNano, TupleSlice, WalletContract } from "ton"; // import { sendInternalMessageWithWallet } from "../test/helpers"; import {hex as item_code} from "../build/nft-item.compiled.json"; import { Builder, Cell, Slice } from "ton"; import BN from "bn.js"; // return the init Cell of the contract storage (according to load_data() contract method) export function initData() { let isTestnet = false; return main.collectionData({ ownerAddress: Address.parseFriendly("EQB_hLB81P0BuBqcitfwoLRd2QX4l4SY-w2fWob9xdWNQgSx").address, code: Cell.fromBoc(item_code)[0], zone: isTestnet ? "example.ton" : "nftcoffee.ton", ownerKey: new BN(0) // 63181357919630091755807889549433422416741950993093777020964723182484811889834 }); } // return the op that should be sent to the contract on deployment, can be "null" to send an empty message export function initMessage() { return null; } // optional end-to-end sanity test for the actual on-chain contract to see it is actually working on-chain // export async function postDeployTest(walletContract: WalletContract, secretKey: Buffer, contractAddress: Address) { // const call = await walletContract.client.callGetMethod(contractAddress, "counter"); // const counter = new TupleSlice(call.stack).readBigNumber(); // console.log(` # Getter 'counter' = ${counter.toString()}`); // // const message = main.increment(); // await sendInternalMessageWithWallet({ walletContract, secretKey, to: contractAddress, value: toNano(0.02), body: message }); // console.log(` # Sent 'increment' op message`); // // const call2 = await walletContract.client.callGetMethod(contractAddress, "counter"); // const counter2 = new TupleSlice(call2.stack).readBigNumber(); // console.log(` # Getter 'counter' = ${counter2.toString()}`); // }