;; DNS resolver smart contract (implements NFT Collection interface) #include "imports/dns-utils.fc"; #include "imports/op-codes.fc"; #include "imports/params.fc"; ;; -1 if needed, 0 if not const signature_needed = 0; ;; storage scheme ;; cell collection_content ;; cell nft_item_code ;; cell pricing ;; uint256(key) owner_key ;; address owner_address (cell, cell, cell, int, slice) load_data() inline { var ds = get_data().begin_parse(); return ( ds~load_ref(), ;; content ds~load_ref(), ;; nft_item_code ds~load_ref(), ;; pricing ds~load_uint(256), ;; owner key ds~load_msg_addr() ;; owner address ); } () save_data(cell content, cell nft_item_code, cell pricing, int owner_key, slice owner_addr) impure inline { set_data(begin_cell() .store_ref(content) .store_ref(nft_item_code) .store_ref(pricing) .store_uint(owner_key, 256) .store_slice(owner_addr) .end_cell()); } ;; Calculate the price and check validness (otherwise throw exceptions) int calcprice(slice domain, cell pricing) inline_ref { int len = slice_bits(domain); throw_unless(200, len > 3 * 8); ;; minimum 4 characters throw_unless(201, len <= 126 * 8); ;; maxmimum 126 characters throw_unless(202, mod(len, 8) == 0); throw_unless(203, check_domain_string(domain)); return 100000; ;; todo } cell calculate_nft_item_state_init(int item_index, cell nft_item_code) { cell data = begin_cell().store_uint(item_index, 256).store_slice(my_address()).end_cell(); return begin_cell().store_uint(0, 2).store_dict(nft_item_code).store_dict(data).store_uint(0, 1).end_cell(); } slice calculate_nft_item_address(int wc, cell state_init) { return begin_cell() .store_uint(4, 3) .store_int(wc, 8) .store_uint(cell_hash(state_init), 256) .end_cell() .begin_parse(); } () deploy_nft_item(int item_index, cell nft_item_code, cell nft_content) impure { cell state_init = calculate_nft_item_state_init(item_index, nft_item_code); slice nft_address = calculate_nft_item_address(workchain(), state_init); var msg = begin_cell() .store_uint(0x18, 6) .store_slice(nft_address) .store_coins(0) .store_uint(4 + 2 + 1, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1 + 1) .store_ref(state_init) .store_ref(nft_content); send_raw_message(msg.end_cell(), 64); ;; carry all the remaining value of the inbound message, fee deducted from amount } int verify_signature(slice signature, slice sender_address, slice domain, int owner_key) { cell option_data = begin_cell().store_slice(my_address()).store_slice(domain).store_slice(sender_address).end_cell(); return check_signature(slice_hash(option_data.begin_parse()), signature, owner_key); } () recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) impure { if (in_msg_body.slice_empty?()) { ;; bounce back empty messages throw(0xffff); } slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse(); int flags = cs~load_uint(4); if (flags & 1) { ;; ignore all bounced messages return (); } int op = in_msg_body~load_uint(32); var (content, nft_item_code, pricing, key, addr) = load_data(); if (op == 0) { ;; deploy new nft int now_time = now(); slice body = read_comment(in_msg_body); (slice domain, slice signature_encoded) = split_by_semicolon(body); int len = slice_bits(domain); int price = calcprice(domain, pricing); throw_unless(204, msg_value >= price); int item_index = slice_hash(domain); slice sender_address = cs~load_msg_addr(); if (signature_needed) { slice signature = decode_asciicode(signature_encoded); throw_unless(205, verify_signature(signature, sender_address, domain, key)); } cell nft_content = begin_cell() .store_slice(sender_address) .store_ref(begin_cell().store_slice(domain).end_cell()) .end_cell(); deploy_nft_item(item_index, nft_item_code, nft_content); return (); } if (op == op::fill_up) { ;; just fill-up balance return (); } throw(0xffff); } ;; Get methods (int, cell, slice) get_collection_data() method_id { var (content, nft_item_code, pricing, key, addr) = load_data(); return (-1, content, zero_address()); } slice get_nft_address_by_index(int index) method_id { var (content, nft_item_code, pricing, key, addr) = load_data(); cell state_init = calculate_nft_item_state_init(index, nft_item_code); return calculate_nft_item_address(workchain(), state_init); } cell get_nft_content(int index, cell individual_nft_content) method_id { return individual_nft_content; } (int, cell) dnsresolve(slice subdomain, int category) method_id { throw_unless(70, mod(slice_bits(subdomain), 8) == 0); int starts_with_zero_byte = subdomain.preload_int(8) == 0; if (starts_with_zero_byte & (slice_bits(subdomain) == 8)) { ;; "." requested return (8, null()); ;; resolved but no dns-records } if (starts_with_zero_byte) { subdomain~load_uint(8); } int top_subdomain_bits = get_top_domain_bits(subdomain); slice top_subdomain = subdomain~load_bits(top_subdomain_bits); int item_index = slice_hash(top_subdomain); cell result = begin_cell() .store_uint(dns_next_resolver_prefix, 16) .store_slice(get_nft_address_by_index(item_index)) .end_cell(); return (top_subdomain_bits + (starts_with_zero_byte ? 8 : 0), result); }