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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simulation of simple cells responding to grating images
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import poisson
import pandas as pd
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
from itertools import product
from collections import namedtuple
from tqdm import trange
from numba import njit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from decorators import av_output
GRATING_PARS = ["orientation", "frequency", "phase", "contrast"]
Grating = namedtuple("Grating", GRATING_PARS)
def gabor_function(x, y, grating, sigma=None):
"""Returns the value of a grating function at given x and y coordinates"""
theta, f, phi, C = grating
if sigma is None:
sigma = 1.5/f
return C*np.exp(-1/(2*sigma**2) * (x**2 + y**2))*np.cos(2*np.pi*f*(x*np.cos(theta)+ y*np.sin(theta)) + phi)
def grating_function(x, y, grating):
"""Returns the value of a grating function at given x and y coordinates"""
smallest_distance = 0.1
theta, f, phi, C = grating
return C*np.exp(-1/2*f**2*smallest_distance**2)*np.cos(2*np.pi*f*(x*np.cos(theta)+ y*np.sin(theta)) + phi)
def grating_image(grating, gabor=False, rf_sigma=None, center=(0,0), N = 50, plot=True):
Make an image of a grating
grating: Grating
A tuple containing the orientation, frequency, phase and contrast
N: int, optional, default 50
The number of pixels in each direction
plot: bool, optional, default True
When true plot the image
image: ndarray(N, N)
An array of floats corresponding to the pixel values of the image
if gabor:
func = lambda x,y :gabor_function(x-center[0], y-center[1], grating, sigma=rf_sigma)
func = lambda x,y :grating_function(X[i],X[j], grating)
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, N)
image = np.zeros([N,N])
for i in range(0,N):
for j in range(0,N):
image[i,j] = func(X[i],X[j])
if (plot):
plt.imshow(image,"gray", vmin = -1, vmax = 1)
return image
def angular_mean(X, period=2*np.pi, axis=None):
Average over an angular variable
X: ndarray
Array of angles to average over
period: float, optional, default 2*pi
The period of the angles
axis: int, optional, default None
The axis of X to average over
ang_mean = (
* np.angle(np.mean(np.exp((2*np.pi/period) * X*1j),axis=axis))
% period
return ang_mean
def sigmoid(x):
"""Sigmoid function"""
return 1/(1+np.exp(1*(1/2-x)))
def response(grating1, grating2, rf_sigma=None, center=(0,0)):
Neural response of a simple cell to a grating image
grating1: Grating
Grating defining the simple cell
grating2: Grating
Grating corresponding to the image shown
center: (float,float), optional, default (0,0)
The focal point
fun1 = lambda s,t : gabor_function(s - center[0], t - center[1], grating1, sigma=rf_sigma)
fun2 = lambda s,t : grating_function(s ,t, grating2)
product = lambda s,t : fun1(s,t) * fun2(s,t)
integral = dblquad(product, -1, 1, -1, 1, epsabs=0.01)[0]
response = sigmoid(integral)
return response
def get_locations(N):
Return uniformly distributed locations on the grating parameter space
N: (int,int,int,int)
The number of different orientations, frequencies, phases and contrasts
N_or, N_fr, N_ph, N_co = N
if (N_or==1):
orientation = [0]
if (N_ph==1):
orientation = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * (1-1/N_or) * np.pi, N_or)
orientation = np.linspace(0.0, (1-1/N_or) * np.pi, N_or)
if (N_fr==1):
frequency = np.linspace(0.0, 9, N_fr)
if (N_ph==1):
phase = [np.pi/4]
phase = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * (1-1/N_ph) * np.pi, N_ph)
if (N_co==1):
contrast = [1]
contrast = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, N_co)
locations = list(product(orientation, frequency, phase, contrast))
return locations
def grating_model(Nn, Np, rf_sigma=None,
deltaT=None, random_focal_points=False, plot_stimuli=False):
Simulate the firing of simple cells responding to images of gratings
Simple cells and stimuli are uniformly distributed along the parameter space
Nn: int
The number of different orientations, frequencies, phases and contrasts
for the neurons
Directions where the stimuli do not vary will not be included
Np: (int,int,int,int)
The number of different orientations, frequencies, phases and contrasts
respectively for the stimuli
rf_sigma: float, optional, default 5
The width of the simple cell receptive fields
deltaT: float, optional, default None
The time period spikes are sampled over for each stimulus
When None return the exact firing rates instead
random_focal_points: bool, optional, default False
If true randomize the focal point for each stimulus
plot_stimuli: bool, optional, default False
If true plot an image of each stimulus
average: int, optional, default=1
The number of times the simulation is repeated and averaged over
data: dataframe(n_datapoints, n_neurons)
The simulated firing rate data
Points = get_locations(Np)
Neurons = get_locations(([Nn,1][Np[0]==1],
# Set focal points
if random_focal_points:
focal_points = np.random.random([len(Points),2])*2-1
focal_points = np.zeros([len(Points),2])
# Compute firing rates
rates = np.zeros([len(Points), len(Neurons)])
iterator = trange(0, len(Points), position=0, leave=True)
iterator.set_description("Simulating data points")
for i in iterator:
if (i % 1 == 0):
if plot_stimuli:
for j in range(0, len(Neurons)):
rates[i,j] = response(Points[i], Neurons[j], rf_sigma=rf_sigma, center=focal_points[i])
# Add noise
if deltaT is None:
data = rates
data = poisson(rates * deltaT)
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
data = pd.merge(pd.DataFrame(Points, columns = GRATING_PARS),
data = data.set_index(GRATING_PARS)
return data, focal_points